Field Care:
(1) Take the proper field care of your TROPHY GAME to avoid any slippage. After skinning your game, the hide MUST be storage in a cold environment no warmer than 32 degrees. Proper care will most likely avoid any bacteria growth, which causes slippage. DO NOT allow the hide to be in a warm environment for too long, this will likely cause problems on your game hide. If you are going to skin your game, give the taxidermist enough skin to work with by skinning from behind the front legs the mid-body area; with that much skin, the taxidermist will not have any problems working with your game.
(2) Take the proper field care of your TROPHY BIRD; NEVER hang a bird you want to be mounted by the neck, or carry it by the neck, this may damage the neck feathers and/or the bird's neck, creating a quality mount problem. Keep the bird separate from the rest of your birds; wrap up the head in paper towel (if possible), and place the bird inside a pantyhose to avoid feather damage; don't use news paper. Carefully, bend the bird's neck to any side (right or left), and place the bird's head next to the wing, not under the wing. Once the bird has been secured inside the pantyhose and placed in a cold environment area until you can place it in the freezer, avoid to take the bird out of the pantyhose, it may ruin the feather placement. DO NOT send your dog to retrieve the down bird if you have plans to mount it.
(3) Broken bones can be repair; however, a damage wing may limit the pose you want your bird mounted in. Unless you want otherwise, taxidermists use standing poses to hide the damage wing; feet and bills can be repair, no problem. Blood on the feathers are easily removed so don't worry. If you want a flying pose on a wing damage bird, we can discuss a few alternatives to try and hide the damage wing.